【特集】汗のかきすぎを気にしてはダメ! 熱中症&バテ防止のための正しい「水分補給」――特集「夏の汗対策」(W-ANS ACADEMYへ)
Last year, Shohei Ohtani had the slowest tempo in MLB with the bases empty and 3rd-slowest tempo with runners on base (min. 1000 pitches).
Ohtani will need to make some major tempo adjustments with the new pitch clock.
Here's a clip from just 2 innings in a start vs. HOU. pic.twitter.com/vYmPHKKewu
— Danny Vietti (@DannyVietti) February 25, 2023
【動画】「走者なしで最もテンポが遅い」 大谷翔平、今季なら「15秒以内」の新ルールに違反する投球動画