【動画】「こんなものは前代未聞だ」と海外衝撃 逆上した打者が球審殴りつける実際の映像
【特集】「生理用品=ナプキン」だった私が高校卒業後にタンポン派になったワケ 練習&試合と日常生活で使い分けも――バレーボール・荒木絵里香さん(W-ANS ACADEMYへ)
This man must be expelled for life from all sports and recreational activities and, at the same time, must be brought to justice for attempted murder.
His name is Elvis Lebron, a former player signed by Chicago Cubs, who was fired for his bad behavior.pic.twitter.com/kj2l7YDWZq
— Héctor Gómez (@hgomez27) May 24, 2021
【動画】「こんなものは前代未聞だ」と海外衝撃 逆上した打者が球審殴りつける実際の映像