[THE ANSWER] スポーツ文化・育成&総合ニュースサイト

日本の自然を愛した親日家 豪州選手が代表引退に惜別投稿「我々は失望しているが…」

【画像】豪州ファン感動! 日本からもコメント続々、10枚の写真とともに…親日家ポーコックが記した“代表引退惜別”の実際の投稿


While we're still feeling the disappointment of falling well short of our goal, and I know many supporters of the @wallabies are too, I wanted to thank everyone for their support during #RWC2019 and during my time in Australian rugby. . Congrats to England on the win – you guys were too good on Saturday night. All the best for the rest of the tournament. . As a kid growing up in lower Gweru, I dreamed of playing rugby at the highest level. To move to Australia in 2002 and then have the opportunity to do that over the last decade and a bit has been an honour and privilege I'm very grateful for. I'm met so many good people and made some great friends. . Individual achievement is a myth so there are so many people to thank. I'll never forget where I come from – thanks to my team mates and coaches while at MCS, MCC (Gweru) and the year I spent at Port Alfred High School during the nervous wait to hear if we got an Australian visa. . And thanks to everyone who has helped me so much since then. My family, friends, coaches, team mates, medical staff and many, many others. Thank you. . And to my mate, @emmaawpocock, thanks for your love and support over the last 10 years. Really excited about the next chapter and what it holds for us. . ?: @stu_walmsley, @mullanphoto and others

デービッド ポーコック ║ラグビー │自然│会話さん(@davidpocock)がシェアした投稿 –

【画像】豪州ファン感動! 日本からもコメント続々、10枚の写真とともに…親日家ポーコックが記した“代表引退惜別”の実際の投稿


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