[THE ANSWER] スポーツ文化・育成&総合ニュースサイト

21歳オーストマンが引退発表 カナダの美人名手「ずっと支えてくれた皆さんに感謝」

【画像】“妖艶ショートヘア”を覚えてる? 平昌五輪当時の思い出の3枚とともに…21歳オーストマンが引退発表した実際の投稿

【注目】「足の運びが…軽い!?」 膝の負担軽減、ワコールのスポーツタイツを試したら感動! 秘密は生地にアリ(W-ANS ACADEMYへ)

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Hi friends. Let’s have a chat. I’d like to officially announce my retirement from competitive skating. I don’t know how to put into words all the things I’d like to say, but I’ll try my best. As I sit here writing this, I’m watching the photo slideshow go by on my family’s computer. I kid you not, almost every picture is a skating photo, or a picture of a place I’ve only been lucky enough to go to because of skating. This sport has brought me so much joy, and yet so many more hardships. Elite sport is easy on no one, especially in this day and age of social media where we’re all hyper connected. I’ve given up many things for this sport, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. It brought me the close type of friendships that you can only have through sport, it taught me discipline, and most of all it taught me humility. The Olympics was one of those experiences where I truly learned the meaning of all these things. I sobbed with happiness and devastation while I watched my teammates live out their Olympic dreams. An experience that I believe has changed me entirely as a person and for the better. This is already getting long so good for you if you’ve made it this far lol. I won’t make a long list of people I need to thank because that’d be a whole essay. You know who you are. BUT, special shoutout to my parents who have given me everything to be successful, and my coach Zdenek who I don’t think will ever know the true impact he has made on my life. Also to @skate_canada for supporting me and believing in me so that I could achieve my dreams. I will be continuing my skating in the professional world, which is a conversation for another day. Thank you all for your continuous support in my skating, and now as I try to find how I fit into the non competitive world. (Do I still call myself an elite athlete?!?! The real questions ?)

Larkyn Austmanさん(@larkynaustman)がシェアした投稿 –

【画像】“妖艶ショートヘア”を覚えてる? 平昌五輪当時の思い出の3枚とともに…21歳オーストマンが引退発表した実際の投稿

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