コロナ禍で経営危機 米フィギュア選手・長洲未来が両親営む寿司店救済のために奔走 2020.04.23 著者 : THE ANSWER編集部 Twitter Facebook B!Bookmark 【画像】長洲の父・清人さんと母・育子さんが医療従事者にお弁当を用意…実際の寿司店「きよ鈴」の様子 【PR】ABEMA de DAZN、明治安田J1リーグの試合を毎節2試合無料生中継! この投稿をInstagramで見る Hi guys, Hope everyone is staying safe during quarantine. I’m reaching out in hopes that you’ll spare a second to look at this initiative that I’ve partnered up with. @powerof10initiative With the help of Power of 10, I’ve been able to help my parents find an alternative to a PPP loan, since a lot of the money has been going to bigger companies. With angel donations, we’re able to help provide 1,000 meals a week to healthcare workers. This week my parents are making meals for the @mhfoundation @foothillunitycenter @ayc100 We’re looking to spread awareness so we can expand in the LA area. Please help spread the word and if you can, please donate. Anything helps. Link in bio. Let me know if you donate as I’ll try to give a shoutout or reply to everyone who does! Thank you! #powerof10 Mirai Nagasu(@mirainagasu)がシェアした投稿 – 2020年 4月月22日午後5時23分PDT 【画像】長洲の父・清人さんと母・育子さんが医療従事者にお弁当を用意…実際の寿司店「きよ鈴」の様子