五輪競泳で「私、死んでる」と自虐 原因は会場に映った顔写真、米記者は苦言「一体どういうワケ?」
【注目】THE ANSWERの姉妹サイト、スポーツを楽しむすべての女性を応援するメディア「W-ANS ACADEMY(ワンス・アカデミー)」はこちら!
What on earth was going on with the photo of decorated US swimmer Torri Huske on the big screen in the Olympic swimming venue Saturday? Did they not have a normal-size photo of her? Huske has been one of the mainstays of USA Swimming for three years now. pic.twitter.com/gkKfGpKmog
— Christine Brennan (@cbrennansports) July 28, 2024
【画像】「私、死んでる」と自虐 五輪競泳の会場モニターに映った実際の顔写真