腎臓腫瘍摘出のシブタニ妹マイアが退院報告 強い痛み告白も「より強くなって戻る」 2019.12.18 著者 : THE ANSWER編集部 キーワード : マイア・シブタニ Twitter Facebook B!Bookmark 【画像】この1枚に海外ファンからエール続々、兄のアレックスに優しく支えられ…妹マイアが腎臓腫瘍摘出から退院を報告した実際の投稿 この投稿をInstagramで見る All of the messages of love and positivity have meant a lot and are so appreciated. Generally, things are moving in the right direction. I had to spend an extra night in the hospital following my surgery, but I was discharged yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, the pain post-surgery has been worse than I anticipated. I’ve had my fair share of injuries in skating and I’m used to muscle and bone stuff, but this is different. It was explained to me that since I am young and in good shape, my muscles and nerves are really sensitive. Walking and making even smaller body movements is currently very painful and extremely challenging. It’s been tough to not feel discouraged and weak, but focusing on gratitude has really helped. My parents are with me and Alex was able to support me through those difficult first steps. I’m grateful for all of the messages of encouragement – I feel very cared for and supported. This recovery will take time and I’m still waiting on news, but I’m determined to come back stronger. Maia Shibutani(@maiashibutani)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年12月月17日午後4時42分PST 【動画】【写真】●●キャプション●●