大谷翔平、球場に飾られた「2023年最後にふさわしい」1枚が米話題 隣に写ったトラウトが象徴的
Thank you everyone for following along this year. I sincerely appreciate it.
And thanks to @LAAngelsPR who probably have the hardest comms job in all of pro sports. They do good work.
It was a ridiculous season for everyone, and I enjoyed covering it all. pic.twitter.com/NnurzXZJ19
— Sam Blum (@SamBlum3) October 2, 2023
【画像】大谷の肩にトラウトが手をかけ… 「全てを総括している」「胸が痛む」と反響が集まった2ショット写真