バレー石川祐希、ネット騒然ノリノリダンスの舞台裏判明 海外メディア「ノーと言うだろうと…」
Ever wondered how we made Yuki dance for the first time in front of the camera 🎥?
We initially presented the idea to Ran & Tomo and both players agreed to do it. But we needed 1 more? We asked Ran if Yuki would be down. Thinking he would say no we had Yuji… pic.twitter.com/gIFPuG6nzx
— Volleyball World (@volleyballworld) November 10, 2023
【動画】「伝説級の動画」「最高にキュート」 石川祐希がカメラ目線でクネクネ…ファン絶賛のダンス動画