鈴木誠也、打率.263と下降気味の理由 投球分布図で米指摘「理由は驚くほどシンプル」
【PR】ABEMA de DAZN、明治安田J1リーグの試合を毎節2試合無料生中継!
Part of the explanation is incredibly simplistic, by the way. In the first week of the season, pitchers threw Suzuki a ton of pitches outside the zone. When the league realized he didn't swing very often – it only took a week! – boom, they POUNDED the zone. pic.twitter.com/4Lhj48tvPf
— Bleacher Nation (@BleacherNation) May 3, 2022
【画像】「彼が振らないと気づいた」 変化が明らか、鈴木誠也に対する開幕1週間&それ以降の投球チャート画像