暴漢襲撃に遭うエジル、同僚DFが素手で撃退 衝撃瞬間に驚きも…「なぜ走り去った」 2019.07.26 著者 : THE ANSWER編集部 Twitter Facebook B!Bookmark 【動画】なぜエジルは走り去ったのか… 暴漢の襲撃にコラシナツが素手で立ち向かい撃退、海外で反響を呼ぶ衝撃瞬間の一部始終 この投稿をInstagramで見る Incredible footage has surfaced after Sead Kolasinac fought off a pair of knife-wielding robbers during an attempted robbery. Arsenal have confirmed both passenger Kolasinac and driver Mesut Ozil were involved in the incident and are both unharmed. The club are treating it as a “private matter” and say it does not affect the players’ pre-season training. Met Police say no arrests have been made, as their enquiries continue. Sky Sportsさん(@skysports)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年 7月月25日午後1時23分PDT 【動画】なぜエジルは走り去ったのか… 暴漢の襲撃にコラシナツが素手で立ち向かい撃退、海外で反響を呼ぶ衝撃瞬間の一部始終