女子フィギュア日本勢が0.26点差の大接戦、裏に惜しい「減点1」 「勿体なかった」ファンも驚き
【PR】ABEMA de DAZN、明治安田J1リーグの試合を毎節2試合無料生中継!
Rino Matsuike 🇯🇵 134.38 / 199.20
“I did one mistake on the Salchow today but for the rest I think it was very good.
I was indeed very nervous but I tried not to think about the final too much and just skate. I am very happy now.
I really aim to perform well at Nationals and it’s… pic.twitter.com/lPIAQEYkc7— Golden Skate (@goldenskate) November 16, 2024