400mリレー決勝フレイザープライス失速の原因を公表 ジャマイカ紙「走り始めて30mほどで…」【世界陸上】
Prayers up for #MommyRocket! 🙏
That's was a stellar peformace from our sprint queen under the circumstances.
Video footage from NBC shows Shelly-Ann Frazer-Pryce got injured approximately thirty metres into her leg and continued to run.
The Jamaican team has gone to the… pic.twitter.com/j4w4Dcrk3F
— Jamaica Observer (@JamaicaObserver) August 26, 2023
【動画】「走り始めて30mほどで…」 フレイザープライスが肉離れを発症した実際の瞬間