北九州の“幻想的夜景”に感激 世界体操で来日の英解説者「美しい。素晴らしい記憶」
As I glance out of my window in Kitakyushu, a big screen on a skyscraper plays highlights from the Artistic @Gymnastics World Championships as the sun goes down. Beautiful. Great memories.
Question: as a fan, what was a moment from the competition that really made you smile? pic.twitter.com/uRx9YlJjd6
— Olly Hogben (@OllyHogben) October 25, 2021
【画像】「北九州を窓から見ると…」「美しい」と感激! 空のグラデーションは…英解説者が公開した“幻想的夜景”の実際の画像