大坂なおみが鮮やか“ナイキコーデ” 姉まりとの2ショットに海外「この服買わなきゃ」 2020.10.06 著者 : THE ANSWER編集部 キーワード : 大坂なおみ Twitter Facebook B!Bookmark 【画像】「この服買わなきゃ」「最高にイケてる」と海外反響! パープル、オレンジの色鮮やかな装いは…大坂が公開した“ナイキコーデ” この投稿をInstagramで見る Did a @nike shoot with my sister and it made me reminisce about a lot of things. Everyone knows this but I wouldn’t have gotten in to tennis without my sister. I was always watching her play and I always wanted to be like her. I think even the way my personality is probably has a lot to do with her because when I was little, she would beat me every day. I have no doubt that losing to her countless times like that shaped my competitiveness a lot. All in all I’m just really happy she’s my big sis and I love her to pieces ❤️ #nike 大坂なおみ ??????(@naomiosaka)がシェアした投稿 – 2020年10月月5日午後12時14分PDT 【画像】「この服買わなきゃ」「最高にイケてる」と海外反響! パープル、オレンジの色鮮やかな装いは…大坂が公開した“ナイキコーデ”