韓国の15歳新星が快挙 3回転アクセル成功に米記者驚き「ゴージャスなジャンプだ」
【動画】これが快挙の瞬間! 「ゴージャスなジャンプだ」と米記者驚き…15歳ユ・ヨンが3回転アクセルを成功させた実際のシーン
Scratch that – the triple axel didn't get positive GOEs overall in the protocol, so she will have to wait another day to officially become the 10th woman to land it in international competition. But there's little doubt that it will happen soon. https://t.co/BnArNdcMd8
— Jackie Wong (@rockerskating) September 13, 2019
【動画】これが快挙の瞬間! 「ゴージャスなジャンプだ」と米記者驚き…15歳ユ・ヨンが3回転アクセルを成功させた実際のシーン