トルコリーグで衝撃の蛮行 乱入者がGK暴行、ファン大乱闘で13人逮捕と海外報道
In a shocking incident, the goalkeeper of a #Turkish #football club, Altay , was attacked by a fan. The incident took place on Sunday during a match between Goztepe and Altay in Izmir. Atlay's goalkeeper Ozan Evrim Ozen was attacked with a corner flag. pic.twitter.com/71r6AWL87s
— KUWAIT TIMES (@kuwaittimesnews) November 28, 2022
【動画】「ならず者のファンが暴行」 乱入者がGKの背後に走り寄って殴打 スタッフに取り押さえられる実際の映像